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Here at Catalyst Kinect, we are dedicated to bridging health and education for optimal outcomes in learning, behaviour, motivation, performance and wellbeing.

We welcome adults and children of all ages, stages and abilities.


Kinesiology is literally "the study of movement". Movement is synonymous with life- without it, we would not exist. The quality of movement in our physical, mental and energetic systems depends upon both internal and external factors and is reflected in our sense of wellbeing, vitality and enjoyment of life.

Holistic Kinesiology uses gentle muscle monitoring as a biofeedback mechanism to investigate the movement within and between the intricate systems of the human body. This non-invasive approach allows us to identify structural, biochemical, nutritional, energetic, social, environmental, psychological and emotional imbalances. Our strength's based approach then encourages individuals to return to an optimal state of dynamic balance.Safe, gentle and effective techniques may include acupressure, flower essence therapy, counselling, structural realignment, nutritional education and sensory support.

Each client at Catalyst Kinect is treated with the utmost respect. We believe that you hold the keys to your own healing and are therefore responsible for the amazing results that are possible with our assistance. We are here to facilitate, guide and work WITH you with an understanding and appreciation that our shared goal is to bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be. As you engage in your own healing, you empower yourself with lifelong strategies for success and wellness.

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

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